
How can the next …

The post I published a couple of weeks ago represented a return to blogging after a lengthy hiatus and the first new post to be published on our (myfastestmile) platform. I’m hoping to sustain a more regular rhythm of posts as we tick over into a new decade (wow!). As has been the case previously, …

The Leader who Listened

“They are after strong leadership…someone to come in with a clear plan” A snippet from a recent conversation where we discussed a national sports body looking to fill a senior position in the organisation. It drew me back to a moment in time a couple of years ago where my conversational partner …

Living in Fellowship

One of the core beliefs that guide our efforts at myfastestmile is acting ‘hobo style’. However, after multiple house-sitting stints and twice ‘invading’ extended family since arriving back in South Australia from the UK nearly a year ago, my family and I may have gone too far in living this on a …